Any offer that we've ever shown requires your consent and opt-in at the the time of download. For those of us outside the US, it doesn't seem to matter. For those of us based in the US, that's something we care about deeply and want to avoid. BlueStacks 3 has completely different promotions inside and again, we have never and will never auto download anything - that's a great way for Google to send you an angry letter. We plan of releasing a worldwide push very soon.
You can follow that link to get instructions on getting the Beta. Home Page Unaware PC Manager (Beta) Version 3.8.1. That’s what’s showing in the lead-in graphic above, in fact. OTOH, winget will let you know that PC Manager (Beta) Version is out and ready for update or install.
That said, our developers do like a hot meal from time to time so a premium subscription would be nice ) If you visit its MS Home Page, alas, it hasn’t changed since a new version came out yesterday (October 25). If you want it, get it, if not, close the banner and carry on. In any case, the behavior now is purely App-promotional. That has never been a behavior we've had. This is actually against Google's terms of service. But, and big but here, we have never and will never automatically download any apps without your expressed consent. We will, from time to time, show a pop up asking if you want premium or if you want to download our app of the day. We've actually stopped this behavior as of last year.